
Uncountable Noun


Uncountable noun or mass noun is a noun that can not be calculated. Most of these nouns only have singular forms, but some have only a plural form. If you want to form a plural sense of this noun, then the plurality is the dose.
Picture: ilmubahasainggris.com

The examples of Uncountable Noun:
1.   Food:                          Noddle, bread, meat
2.   Liquid:                       Coffee, milk, juice, honey
3.   Powder:                      Rice, Grain, sugar, salt
4.   Material and sources: Iron, wood, glass, air
5.   Languanges:               Indonesia, English, Arabic, Mandarin

Plural Uncountable Noun
Some of uncountable noun have plural forms without singular forms although with the same meaning. Uncountable plural can’t be added number (two pants).
Examples of Plural Uncountable Noun:
·      Arms
·      Scissors
·      Jeans
·      Trousers
·      Goods
·      Glasses
·      Pyjamas


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